Elaine Bintz: Holistic Health, Life, Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Massage Therapist, Myofascial Release, Nutritionist,
& Fitness Coach/Personal Trainer

Get Well + Fit w/Elaine Bintz
Improve Your Life
My clients needs are my #1 focus!
I have the best career on the planet! As a certified Holistic Practitioner with a focus on Fitness Coaching, Nutrition & stress management since the year 2000, I have thoroughly enjoyed walking with my clients on their journeys of transforming themselves into healthier, fitter, and happier versions of themselves. Let’s Get Happy & Well together! Please check out my Intake Process.
About Elaine Bintz
As a professional Coach, my passion is to help my clients live a healthier lifestyle. Every MIND and BODY is unique, with your own strengths and limitations. My method is to build a custom plan, using:
1. Active listening skills, empathy, & compassion
2. Your health, wellness, fitness & life goals
3. My 25 years of experience in the Health & Wellness field
4. My college degrees in Exercise Physiology, Dietetics (Nutrition & Wellness), and Education
5. My certifications in: Health Coaching, Muscle Activation Techniques, Myofascial Release, Personal Training, Thai Massage, & Yoga.
6. My licenses in: Massage therapy, & Teaching
7. And most importantly, based on your real life.
Together, we collaborate to discover a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy living.

Your partner to attain YOUR goals!
This program is designed to help you establish a plan of action in order to help you reach your life &/or wellness goals. The next step is to help you develop realistic strategies, steps, and systems that you can actually do in your real life.
As your accountability coach, I commit to reaching out to you up to 7 days a week (using 1 mutually agreed upon method of communication) to assist you along your journey, to help you stay motivated, and to help you track your progress towards your life and/or wellness goals.
An ideal client would choose 1 primary goal to be held accountable for. This primary goal may (and most likely, will) change and evolve over time. You, the client, are in the driver seat. You guide the conversation.
As your coach my job is to 100% support you.
I will ask you key questions, help you to clarify what is (and isn't) working regarding your progress towards your goal, and follow up with you regarding task completion of steps & strategies we have identified as part of your action plan. Please check out my Intake Process.

Feel Better, Move Better, Live Better
Comprehensive Fitness & Health Coaching Program: Get Happy! Get Well! participants: Your unique program we develop together will help you feel better, have more energy, and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises will have you in the shape you want to be in. Training sessions can be performed in person &/or online, or any combination of in person, telephone, and/or live video online sessions. Sessions may include, but are not limited to: cardio (indoor/outdoor), core training, flexibility, Massage therapy, partner stretching, strength training, Thai massage, Yoga, and more!
Mind, Body, & Soul Transformation
This program is for seriously committed clients only. When you are ready to let go of excuses, make positive changes on a consistent basis, and invest in your health and future, this is the program for YOU!
This program includes: Health Coaching, Life Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, Massage therapy, Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT), Partner Stretching, Personal Training, Thai massage, Yoga, etc.
Check out this video for more information. Please check out my Intake Process.

Health, Nutrition
&/or Life Coaching
A Healthier You
Health and wellness is not only about what your body looks like on the outside, but also on the inside! I will make sure your mind and body find the right balance. Coaching sessions may include a wide variety of topics.
Health/Nutrition Coaching sessions may include, but are not limited to: behavior & habit formation, behavior & habit modification, exercise programming, food log review, nutrition for a wide variety of medical diagnoses, meal & snack planning, sports nutrition, values alignment, skills acquisition, etc.
Life Coaching sessions may include, but are not limited to: personal development, values alignment, skills acquisition, habit formation, time management, accountability, planning & organization in your personal &/or professional life, career, relationships, financial, grief, divorce, etc.
The ultimate goal of coaching sessions is to help the client attain their desired lifestyle by arriving at sustainable, healthy decisions, that align with you attaining your desired life & health-related goals.
As your coach my job is to
100% support you.

Services I Provide
1. Accountability Coach: A monthly commitment including communication up to 7 days per week with Coach Elaine regarding steps, tasks, and progress to hold you accountable towards reaching your life &/or wellness goals.
Your 1st Coaching session is included in the cost of this program. Additional Coaching sessions cost $100/60 minute session.
Investment: $300/month (average value is $10/day).
Currently accepting 3 Accountability Coaching clients (updated February 2025).
2. Comprehensive Fitness & Health Coaching Program: Get Happy! Get Well! Up to 5 hours of sessions per week, performed in person, over the phone, &/or online, or any combination of in person, over the phone, and/or online sessions. Program includes customized: life coaching, health coaching, nutrition, workouts, Yoga, massage therapy, Thai massage, Muscle Activation Techniques, and stress management techniques. Each client may opt into and opt out of any of the services previously listed.
Session durations are collaboratively determined on an individual basis.
Physician's referral NOT required. INVESTment: $2,000/month.
Currently accepting consultations. 1 current opening.
Contact Elaine to schedule your free consultation (updated February 2025).
Please check out this video for more information.
up to 90 minutes/session, can be performed in person at Abstract in Schererville, IN, over the phone, or online. Minimum session duration is 30 minutes. Session lengths include: 30 minutes, 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes. Sessions may include, but are not limited to: fitness coaching, health coaching, life coaching, massage therapy, MAT: Muscle Activation Techniques, Myofascial release, nutrition coaching, partner stretching, Personal Training, Thai massage, Yoga workouts, etc. Each session may include any combination of services, for example, but not limited to: a 30 minute Personal Training session, followed immediately by a 15 minute partner stretching session, for a total of a 45 minute session, etc. This is a low commitment service. You can meet with me once in your lifetime, once a month, 3 times a year, etc.
Investment: Investment: $25/15 minute increments
Currently accepting several new & former clients (updated February 2025).
4. Small group (up to 6 participants) in-person at Abstract in Schererville, IN or online Mentoring classes one Saturday per month from 8am-9am Central Time Zone. The purpose of these classes is to help current (or future) coaches, personal trainers, and wellness professionals to develop and to refine their skills set in the wellness industry. Contact Elaine directly for current class dates.
Investment: $100/person/class.
Currently accepting 4 mentoring participants (updated February 2025).
Please contact Elaine today at: 708.845.6201 (call/text), or email: elainebintz@gmail.com for more information